Passively earn crypto with the Nodle SDK

The Nodle SDK leverages smartphones with Bluetooth Low Energy enabled to locate and connect nearby smart devices. Monetise your app and generate revenue without ads and without collecting user data.

The Nodle network is powered by blockchain, and Nodle cash. The Network uses Bluetooth, not CPU, to securely connect smart devices and generate cryptocurrency in the cloud. Nodle Cash is the native cryptocurrency powering an securing the Network

Nodle is privacy first

left arrow icon
right arrow icon
privacy by design
Advertising SDKs not only show ads but also harvest user data and share it with third parties. Unlike those SDKs, the Nodle SDK uses blockchain to protect user privacy, and will never sell data about a user.
No impact on user experience
The Nodle SDK has been optimized to use very little CPU, and is extremely power efficient.
low data
The Nodle SDK use very little data, in many cases significantly less data than advertising SDKs, with no visible impact on user experience. The SDK is less than xxx kB
Trust through transparency
The Nodle network relies on blockchain technology and has security and privacy at its core. The Nodle SDK is trusted by individuals globally who deploy it on their phone inside their own Cash App.
use cases

Monitoring assets

Providing Digital Witnesses

Enabling Wireless Signatures

Location and time.
Verifying information and content around them.
Allowing for content captured by one device to be verified or signed by another.

Grow the Nodle network, monetize your app

The Nodle Network is made up of millions of smartphones, with apps embedding the Nodle SDK. The network is incentivized with the NODL token, Nodle Cash, that rewards the mobile app developers, embedding the Nodle SDK.
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